Monday, January 16, 2006

Honda - Civic Choir

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a big fan of the Honda work by Wieden + Kennedy. This is the highly awaited new ad in the series, and unfortunately for other agencies its still fantastic.

The full version is 2 minutes!

Ive heard a few mixed thoughts on the ad, but there is little doubt that it leaves a lasting impression. Its so nice to see that original creativity still has an important place within advertising.

Watch it at WK London's site here

Monday, January 09, 2006

JCB on the ball

Nice piece of timing and awareness from JCB over Christmas:

As the JCB song hit number one (if you arent aware, its a song about a 5 year old riding on his dads JCB to get away from school bullies) JCB placed a nice reminder ad in the national papers.

Not only did the song get them lots and lots of brand awareness, this ad helped to absolutely cement the image of the song with the product itself.

Someone at their ad agency was totally on the ball that week. Kudos.

JCB song / video