Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Duffy Man Likes H2Oooooh Yeah
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Blog of the Week - CST / Dave Trott

Monday, March 23, 2009
1966 Was a Good Year for English Football, Eric was Born

After a year or two of terrible ads (this week's Campaign Turkey for one, last years 'Ad Pit Winner of Worst Ad of 2008 for another) Renault finally look to be heading in the right direction again.
If I ask you to name great Renault ads you will almost certainly say one of two:
1. Papa & Nicole
2. Theirry Henry - Va Va Voom
Both great campaigns that really demonstrated what we love about the French, whilst avoiding the things we hate! Yet, since then the brands work has been missing something, a certain style, flair, passion. Which for a French car brand is terrible. They had lost... well, their Va Va Voom.
But Cantona is back tonight, and this time its in a Renault; and for one I am really really hoping that this campaign makes the endorsement work. Because if there is one ex-player of recent times who exhibits French flair at its very best, its Cantona.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
5 Rules of Blogging PR - Aka: How Not to Go Viral

Just to Prove How Disgusting They Are
This is how low sections of our media goes every single day. It makes working in advertising look like working for Amnesty.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
And they say advertising needs more regulation
Frankly its disgusting. I can understand her wanting to give interviews to help other cancer sufferers and get money for her kids future. But every other magazine is plastering her everywhere.
Jade is the new Princess Di.
Its sad that this happens to people (a friend of mine is the same age and has cancer), but our media circus is full of absolute hypocrites.
Oh and for the benefit of a certain paper, there is a reason people like Jade were so ignorant. It's that vile hatred, bile and half facts like yours are allowed to be called news.
It's About The Work Stupid!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
United States of Britain?

Be it Gillette bringing Team America style bravado to shaving for 20 years, chupachups or Johnson and Johnson (among many others) with some hideous dubbing instead of re-shooting.
Microsoft are guilty of this with their new business aimed ads.
Nice ads, with a nice enough message; but somehow it just feels absolutely 100% American. At no point watching this do I feel like its aimed at this country. Method are a great company, but I don't know anyone outside adland who has heard of them. Quiksilver are better, but still too American for the average UK business owner. And I like to think I know a fair bit about them having written for them for several years prior to being in adland.
Sure you save on production, but why is saving £50k on production seen as a waste when not doing so wastes all however many hundreds of thousands you spend on media?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A face for the radio
It's sensibly silly and funny; and well worth a watch.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
So Easy a Man Can Do It
I'm not sure why I hate this ad.
It could be the complete patronising tone.
It could be that the implied sarcasm doesn't give the ad the ironic excuse it is clearly looking for.
It could be the shite (beyond so bad its good, and into so bad its a stain on our industry) acting, that also fails to give the ad the ironic excuse it is clearly looking for.
It could be that its implied relationship is so outdated and insulting to both men and women. God forbid an agency try to do this the other way round.
Or it could just be that I don't get it.
Creating purposefully shit ads to get attention is all very well a few times. But when 20% of our industry's output is trying to be Barry Scott it just falls flat.
I see what they were aiming for but even if they'd have achieved it, it would have been pointless.
The product looks useful, why not find a better way to show that...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hubbl;e Bubble Toil and Trouble

Just two things though:
1. The Fallon Principle: Just because someone has given you budget for a 1min ad, doesn't mean you have to use it. The 30 cut is far better.
2. The Coke Principle: What in the name of Ogilvy, Bernbach, Webster and Draper is that bite shot about. It's awful, truly awful. I hope that it was client insistence that kept it in. Give us product shot, give us neon AERO logo, but please please don't ever give us that again.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Competition Time - Killed Ideas

Monday, March 02, 2009
Terms of Endearment